Frequently Asked Questions about SOSROOMS.COM

1) What is www.sosrooms.com?

Sosrooms.com is a hotel reservation page working within HAYTAP, from which you get directed to booking.com, so that visitors who are fighting for animal rights can support those creatures in need while making hotel reservations.

2) How does www.sosrooms.com work?

When you enter sosrooms.com, you can make reservations for hotels all around the world via booking.com, enjoying the same prices and terms & conditions of booking.com without an additional charge. When you enter sosrooms.com, you will be re-directed and connected to the world wide famous booking.com reservation system. From this stage on, your reservations will be taken care of by booking.com

3) Is sosrooms.com a company?

No. Sosrooms.com is only a front view page. That means that it is a web page that was created by HAYTAP volunteers and is being managed by HAYTAP, which you view before being directly linked to booking.com. Because reservations are generated via sosrooms.com for booking.com, HAYTAP receives a commision from booking.com on a monthly basis, which is used for helping stray animals.

4) Do we pay extra commision to HAYTAP or to hotels on the hotel reservations we make on www.sosrooms.com?

No, you do not pay any cent extra for any reservation that you make. There is no difference in price when you log into booking.com directly or when you use sosrooms.com. However, when you go directly to booking.com, HAYTAP does not receive a commission. You definetely need to start your reservation on sosrooms.com and stay on this webpage until your reservation is completed.

5) What if I leave the page and continue my reservation on booking.com?

Our advice is that you continue with your reservation on booking.com without leaving the sosrooms.com page. When you leave the page, the connection can be lost. Or when you already have a hotel in mind, you can search for it in the related field on sosrooms.com. When you press enter, the booking.om system will identify this as reservation made through us.

6) I am unable to make a donation, but I can help this way. Did I understand this correctly?
Yes. Any reservation you make via SOSROOMS.COM will not cost you any extra cent, but you will make it possible that a commission is paid to HAYTAP from booking.com and, thus a donation to HAYTAP is made.

7) Are the names of the persons staying at the hotels sent to HAYTAP?

Absolutely no. We only receive a commission/donation for animals in need from booking.com, according to the contract we have signed with them, for each reservation that is made through sosrooms.com. Information on who went where, stayed where etc. is kept confidential by booking.com.

8) Can I help you promote yourself overseas?

This is the question we have been waiting for. Of course the answer is yes. For more details, please send an email to bilgi@haytap.org

9) Are the donations made from booking.com to HAYTAP inspected by the governorship?

Based on laws of associations, all donations received by our federation are inspected on a regular basis by the Istanbul governorship.

10) Do you provide services for hotels that have cat/dog services?

Of course you can find hotels that welcome our friends on the booking.com page, by skipping the sosrooms.com front page. You have to enter this in your search criteria and you will be able to see the list of hotels in front of you. However, as a federation we do not have hotel services directly. All hotel reservations are completely under the secure system of booking.com (See Question 6)

11) Where can I view your activities?

On our webpage www.haytap.org, you can view our projects, while on facebook and twitter, you can follow our daily acitivities.

12) Why does only HAYTAP profit from this well functioning system?

HAYTAP already shares its donations with member and non-member organisations and persons regularly each year. You can already view these activities and events and see the related photos and receipts on our website or through social media.

13) Can I ask sosrooms.com questions on animal rights? In other words, can I report a case to you?

No. For any questions that you may have, please have a look at the Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) section of the HAYTAP website. ( https://www.haytap.org/tr/haytap-frequently-asked-questions )
Our federation is an organisation that manages macro projects and field activities for animal rights within the scope of its volunteers capacity and its limited budget. We do not receive any support from the government. Instead of using us as a platform where you can send in your complaints, we would like everyone to use the experiences we share on our website and use these and our other activities as an example for themselves in order to form an organisation in their area. Within time, these individual organisations might even become a part of HAYTAP. For your complaints or observations, please do not forget that you can go to the provincial offices of the Foresty and Water Affairs Ministry in the municipality where you reside.
